The (Tax Year) End is Nigh

The tax year end is nigh this week as Andy and Emma invite MHR's Legislation Guru, Neil Tonks, to review the 22/23 tax year and what to expect for 23/24.

And as 'Bare Minimum Monday's' make the news, they discuss other corporate buzzwords that should also come to an end!

Latest Podcasts
Time is Money

Time is of the essence this week as Andy and Emma discuss the pitfalls of employee time theft and absenteeism – and the importance of bringing together workforce and people management systems.

And it’s not just time that is being stolen…

Bad Practice Pancakes

In the spirit of Lent, this week Andy and Emma sit down to discuss bad management habits that need to go, from micromanagement to lack of team building – and how People Management Systems may just be the tonic!

People Systems & Employee Engagement

Andy and Emma discuss the woes of paper holiday requests, old-style intranets, and how the right technology should aid employee communication and engagement across organisations.