MHR Financial Wellbeing app shown on a mobile screen

Financial Wellbeing from MHR

Give your employees the tools they need to thrive financially.

Are money worries affecting your employees?

UK employees have endured significant economic challenges over the last few years and this is severely impacting their wellbeing. 74% of UK employees are now worried about their finances and the ability to cover essentials, and this has catapulted the need to address financial wellbeing into the boardrooms of organisations.

That's why we've partnered with Wagestream to bring you Financial Wellbeing from MHR. This holistic financial wellbeing platform will empower your employees with their budgeting, the flexibility to choose their own pay cycle, build up savings, speak to a financial coach and so much more, without adding to your administrative burden. 

Financial Wellbeing is fully compatible with iTrent and People First. That means you don't need to stress about data silos, as everything will connect within one ecosystem.

We can help you with:

  • Offer a flexible financial toolkit that empowers your employees and boosts their productivity by 11% 
  • Boost your employee wellbeing by as much as 86% 
  • Increase employee retention by 16%
  • Save your payroll team precious time, with a 40% reduction in payroll queries 

Flexible pay
Two mobile phones showing MHR flexible pay app

Flexible pay

By empowering employees to choose their own pay cycle, organisations break the mould and give employees freedom to work and get paid in a way that suits them. This isn’t a loan, it simply allows access to your earned wages at a time that suits.

Financial health tools
Mobile screen showing MHR flexible pay hub, the functionality for example 'everyday savings' and how much money someone has earned this month.

Financial health tools

Financial Wellbeing from MHR gives your employees the opportunity to improve their financial literacy, with live 1:1 coaching available in the app to all employees. Give every employee their own accessible assistant and they’ll build resilience on their own terms.

Give your employees the gift of true financial wellbeing

How does MHR Financial Wellbeing benefit your organisation and employees?

When you offer Wagestream to your employees, they get access to a range of fair financial services, all built into an easily-accessible app.

Full visibility over shifts and earnings

A forecast of expected earnings based on shifts worked makes budgeting a breeze

Flexible pay throughout the month

Employees can access a proportion of their earned pay at any point, including in the week before payday

24/7 financial coaching

Personalised information plus accountable goals on topics like savings and debt equals positive behavioural change

Automated savings for all

Every employee can build their savings for long-time financial resilience


No it is not. Flexible pay access gives employees access to a proportion of the money they’ve earned already that month, so they only ever access their own money. It is not a loan or salary advance.

MHR Financial Wellbeing is available to every employee, regardless of their credit rating or financial history. They’re also founded and built by charities, with a social charter at their core, meaning they remain accountable for building an app focused on providing fair financial services for all.

61% of users say their quality-of-life has improved because they have access to the app, while 67% say it makes them feel more in control of their financial future. Just under half (46%) have avoided a payday loan and 55% have reported an improved ability to plan their finances.

An independent report from Ipsos MORI found that the platform reduces attrition and improves retention by up to 16%.