The Vantec payroll team were swamped by paper reports, it was a time-consuming manual process.
They needed a solution which would deliver reports quickly and accurately, in order to free up time internally, whilst providing flexibility in sourcing and delivering ad-hoc or tailored data and historical information quickly.
iTrent, paired with a suite of MHR Report Packs enabled Vantec to reduce time taken on reporting while providing real-time information to HR instantly.
Due to the ever-evolving HR and payroll platform, Vantec saved 79% of the time they spent on report preparation, which led to a big improvement in information flow from payroll to senior management.
Lesleyanne Dolan, Payroll Manager at Vantec said ‘It’s streamlined everything and given us big time savings. It’s a fantastic reporting tool.’
Benefits Vantec saw:
- Minimal training needed.
- Broad suite of reporting options
- Big improvement in information flow
- Time saving.
- Quickly generate ad-hoc reports.