Protect payroll data with GBG Loqate.
We’ve partnered with GBG to safeguard financial security with a two-stage validation process.
The results? Say goodbye to time-consuming payment claims. Employees will enjoy a smoother experience, with reduced risk of payroll fraud and incorrect salary payments. It’s that extra layer of confidence you need to ensure your payroll data is protected.

GBG + payroll = peace of mind
Streamline expense processing and deliver a better employee experience with GBG
Transform your expenses and data identity
GBG is accurate to the centre point of the postcode, using real UK road networks to calculate the distance travelled.
There’s no minimum number of employees! GBG integration is completely scalable and accessible to organisations of all shapes and sizes.
If full validation isn’t required, you have the option to enable initial sort code and account range verification checks.
Unfortunately, bank checking is only available for bank accounts in England, Scotland and Wales.