Should you outsource your payroll? Download our checklist to help you decide

It can be difficult to decide whether you should outsource your payroll. There's a lot to consider, but ultimately, it's essential you pay your employees accurately and on time, something which partially, or fully outsourcing your payroll can help with.

Our 10-point checklist is designed to help you decide which approach is best for you. 

Download your copy today.

Outsourced payroll checklist on a tablet
Bundle of cash and rocket shooting up in the air, launching your payroll into a generation.

Outsourced payroll

Allow MHR to increase your payroll accuracy to 99.999%+. Through our award-winning software and range of payroll outsourcing services, your data is kept secure, processed accurately and payments are made on time and correctly every time, regardless of the size of your business, or its complexities.

By removing time-consuming manual processes, we will save you time and money and reduce the risk of errors significantly.

Backed by an in-house team of CIPP/iPASS professionals to support you in optimising your payroll processes, our UK and Ireland industry-leading software will allow you to add real value to your business.