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Bedfordshire, Cambridge and Hertfordshire Police

Bedfordshire, Cambridge and Hertfordshire (BCH) police had a complex organisational structure that needed a single platform that not only automated HR and payroll processes but had the tools for them to improve the way they work.


The three police forces wanted to integrate all HR and payroll functionality across the force whilst creating greater efficiencies.

They wanted to streamline their processes and stop dual key entry, whilst increasing their digital engagement within all three organisations. BCH also desired to improve the accuracy of employee data as well as reducing admin and employee queries.  



iTrent consolidated all three force’s HR and payroll processes. Enabling BCH to gain greater functionality, flexibility and reduce time spent on administrative processes. BCH stated “iTrent has allowed us to transform HR itself. Managers manage people more effectively, and employees can see and manage their own data.” 

With the help of iTrent, BCH found that they spent 172 hours less on transactions and their overall customer service had improved. iTrent has become an invaluable embedded tool, and the rich data source now facilitates more effective decision-making across the three forces. 

Benefits BCH saw:

  • Increased efficiency
  • Reduce admin tasks
  • Flexibility
  • Positive implementation process
  • Employees managing their own data