Did you know that only 23% of the British public find gender inequality to be an issue?

In celebration of International Women’s Day, our graduates Alice, Keava and Owen explore how everyone can play a role in forging gender equality.
Today marks International Women’s Day 2022. A day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political accomplishments of women.
Even over 100 years since the first International Women’s Day occurred, the importance of dedicating time to celebrate women is still as relevant now, if not more. Yes, change has occurred and the battle to achieve gender equality has progressed since 1911, with recent movements such as #MeToo taking global dimensions and the gender pay gap being directly addressed. However, whether deliberate or unconscious, bias still prevents further improvements.
Bias is an inclination for or against a person which is considered unfair. Now, imagine a world where differences are valued and celebrated. It may seem far away, but it all starts on an individual basis; we are all responsible for our own thoughts and actions so should accept responsibility to make an impact. Even if you do not personally experience gender discrimination socially or in the workplace, do you actively call out gender bias and stereotyping when you see it? Taking this individual ownership to combat bias, will continue to build a positive social landscape where gender equity is achieved. In support of this year’s theme, let’s agree to #BreaktheBias.
In recent years, gender differences in the labour market are reducing. More women are in formal paid work today: making up around 40% of the global labour force, alongside women moving into jobs traditionally done by men. With only 23% of Brits stating gender inequality to be an issue, the existence of a gender pay gap and the limited women in CEO positions globally, indicates indifferences are potent in the opportunity presented to women, even in the 21st Century. For women to thrive in the future world of work this issue must be addressed.
Within the workplace, there are numerous gender biases creating many battles for women to face throughout their profession. This is highly noticeable in the technology industry, with a staggering 77% of males filling senior management roles. Even more interestingly, with more than 50% of women likely to leave tech jobs mid-career, this brings to question the level of opportunity women have in such a male dominated industry. Therefore, it is crucial men act as allies to advocate for an equitable and inclusive work environment.
MHR continues to act as an ally. This year we are bringing back our annual celebratory breakfast today to honour the women at MHR and their outstanding contributions to our business’ success. Championing this is our Chairman, Jessica Mills, speaking at the event highlighted the great successes of women within our organisation and the continued importance of celebrating International Women’s Day.
MHR provides various opportunities for women in tech, from our Apprenticeship and Graduate Schemes to a supportive working environment; we embrace equality. To encourage our employees and customers to champion inclusivity and diversity, our products provide tools to benefit your workforce. From recruitment modules, talent management and reporting on gender pay gaps, these all help prevent gender bias throughout the employment journey.
As an organisation, we are working to #BreakTheBias. And you can too.