An update on COVID-19

During the exceptional and unforeseen circumstances of the Coronavirus outbreak, what is of utmost importance to me and MHR, is the safety and health of our employees, our customers, and their families.

Our team is working harder than ever to continue supporting all our customers during these uncertain times, keeping operations running as normal and going above and beyond to provide additional services as needed. As such, we have put a number of business continuity measures in place, working in line with UK Government advice to ensure we keep people safe while mitigating risk for our customers.

MHR continues to operate business as usual. We do not anticipate any interruption in our delivery of services or other business operations due to COVID-19. However, we will communicate immediately with our customers and partners should our ability to provide services be threatened for any reason. And should you require any extra support, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and we'll do all we can to help.

Please see below for an update on our current status and business continuity procedures.

1. We can provide all MHR services remotely. Any Professional Services, Trainings or Sales Discussions bookings can be transferred to a remote booking through Microsoft Teams, Skype, WebEx or any other virtual platform of your choosing, allowing us to continue supporting your business through this uncertain time. We will contact you to arrange this.

2. You can access hourly services through Assist. The Assist service enables you to access services by the hour, rather than paying a day rate – so you can meet business requirements as needed.

3. Our outsourcing services can help reduce added pressure in HR and payroll. We can also provide you with mobile licenses to support your employees with Employee and Manager Self Service if your organisation is working remotely as a result of the current situation.

4. Our Emergency Payroll service can facilitate vital operations in the event of absence. This service provides additional support for business continuity planning, with a remote service to document payroll processes in the event of internal absence. This will ensure your payroll is processed in a timely and accurate manner, causing no organisational disruption to the organisation and ensuring all employees get paid on time.

5. Restricted travel does not mean restricted service. We have prohibited all unnecessary travel for our staff, but our remote working practices mean we will be able to continue providing remote support.

6. MHR is financially stable, independent and able to respond quickly. As a long-established provider, MHR combines financial stability, expertise and proven methodologies with forward-thinking and agility, equipping us to respond quickly to customer requirements – with the reassurance that business operations have the wherewithal to continue.

We continue to watch the latest advice and will real-time adjust our policies accordingly. If you have any questions, please contact our team.

Anton Roe, CEO

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