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The Plan Group

The Plan Group wanted to extend their partnership with MHR, utilising the People First platform to encourage employee engagement and communication.


The Plan Group needed to engage employees who were separated due hybrid working. They desired a platform which supported effective workplace-wide communications from HR and senior management.

People First allowed The Plan Group to connect with one another. It enabled managers to check who is or isn’t in the office and supported hybrid working.


After a smooth implementation, People First allowed The Plan Group’s employees to connect, even during uncertain times.

It supported their hybrid working arrangement by enabling consistent company-wide communications and managers could see who’s in office and who’s not. Giving them better visibility of their workforce.

Benefits The Plan Group Saw:

  • Increased employee engagement
  • Helps teams to share ideas.
  • Positive implementation process
  • Keeps employees in touch.
  • Helps to organise employee activities.