MHR swish

Retail Assist

Retail Assist provide managed IT services and software solutions to a diverse range of clients and wanted to utilise their People First platform for learning and development.


Retail Assist and MHR were already in partnership and wanted to make use of the learning management system that was already apart of their existing package. Their aims with the new system were to combine modules to save time on tedious admin tasks, whilst ensuring their HR team were able to collect data from a single source.

They also desired a platform they could customise; they didn’t want a platform which meant they would be stuck with a generic brand. Their legacy system had required log in and sign off on each access attempt, so a single sign-in system was a must. 



People First’s centralised location for data made it easy for Trish, Learning and Development Specialist at Retail Assist, and her team to track and share their data. They also found out 80% of the courses were being used regularly, there was a reduction in overall workload, and a smooth onboarding for new hires.  

Retail Assist can promote courses through People First with push notifications, which led to a sudden improvement in engagement. This created a more collaborative environment, creating a company culture where everyone feels engaged.

Benefits Retail Assist saw:

  • Time savings on administration
  • Constant updates mean the system is always cutting edge
  • Easy to personalise, which boosted buy in
  • Increase in employee personal development
  • Improved buy in due to accessible design

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