Humour has it...
...that laughter is the best medicine! This week, Andy and Emma discuss the positive and negative effects of humour in the workplace, and how it can be leveraged for the benefit of business.
...that laughter is the best medicine! This week, Andy and Emma discuss the positive and negative effects of humour in the workplace, and how it can be leveraged for the benefit of business.
A little stress conversation a little more action please! This week, for National Stress Awareness Month, Andy and Emma talk about common stresses in the workplace and how people and businesses can tackle it.
Things reach boiling point this week as Andy and Emma discuss office-based peer pressures and how teams can reduce it to a simmer. There’s a couple of yolks in there, too!
Shh! Shh! This week, Andy and Emma are discussing the rising trend of 'Quiet Hiring', where savvy HR leaders are focusing on upskilling existing employees to fulfil talent gaps in their organisations. We think that's something to shout about!