
20 May 2024

Reflecting on Memorial Day 2024

America's memorial day.

As we approach Memorial Day 2024, MHR Global reflects on the sacrifices military personnel make in their lives, and the importance of ensuring physical health, mental health and wellbeing support for them and their families.

A Commitment to Wellbeing and Putting People First

As Memorial Day nears, its importance is highlighted, especially with ongoing events like the war in Ukraine reminding us of the sacrifices made by military personnel. This day is a powerful reminder of the ultimate sacrifices made by many in the armed forces.  

At MHR Global, Memorial Day is particularly meaningful, as we have colleagues who have served and it aligns with our focus on employee wellbeing. 

The Significance of Memorial Day 

Memorial Day, initially known as Decoration Day, began after the Civil War, a period marked by deep loss and national reflection. It's a day to honor and remember those who have died serving in the United States Armed Forces. Over time, it has also become a day to acknowledge the sacrifices of military personnel and their families. 

Three pictures of people, embracing and army soldiers saluting.

Wellbeing and the Military Community 

The wellbeing of service members and their families is often overlooked in discussions about military service. The challenges they face, including mental health issues like PTSD, anxiety, and depression, highlight the need for supportive resources and systems to improve their lives.  

At MHR Global, we recognize the importance of such support and are dedicated to enhancing wellbeing in the workplace, with corporate wellness programs, and a culture built from the ground up to promote staff wellbeing. 

Putting People First: Our Pledge This Memorial Day 

This Memorial Day, MHR Global renews its commitment to prioritize people, including the courageous men and women who have served our country. We are committed to supporting initiatives that promote health and wellbeing at work. Our efforts range from partnering with organizations that offer support to creating a workplace culture that values the contributions of military personnel.  

Taking Action: How You Can Make a Difference 

Memorial Day is more than a day of remembrance; it's a call to action. Here’s how you can contribute: 

Educate Yourself and Others: Learn about the challenges faced by veterans and their families. Spread this knowledge to increase awareness in your community. 

Support Veteran-Focused Organizations: Many groups tirelessly support veterans and their families. Consider donating your time or resources to these causes. 

Foster an Inclusive Environment: For businesses, welcoming and supporting veterans can have a significant impact. Implement policies that help them transition to civilian life and advance their careers. Staff wellbeing should be considered all the time. 


As we observe Memorial Day 2024, let's honor those who have sacrificed their lives by committing to the wellbeing and support of our military community. At MHR Global, we believe that by prioritizing people, we can foster a more compassionate, understanding, and supportive society for everyone, especially those who have served. Let this Memorial Day remind us of our duty to remember and to act.  

Learn more about how MHR Global’s People First platform supports the wellbeing of your employees. 

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Andrew Samson, Strategic Marketing Manager.

Andrew Samson

Strategic Marketing Manager

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